Monday, June 29, 2009

This is what happens when you go to church...

Just kidding. This is what happens when you fall down at church! I was merely walking down the hallway on the way to meetings. My son will tell you I was wearing high heels, - but what do guys know about shoes?! No, they were just slides with a gradual wedge; the incline wasn't more than an inch, and they're quite comfortable shoes which is saying something for me. But somehow my right ankle did twist, I lost my balance and came down hard on the left leg and knee. It hurt bad and I did cry out loud enough for others in the foyer to hear me, but managed not to actually shed tears. Darren came quickly back to me to help. His first main response was to be jealous of how my knee instantly started to bruise. He'd fallen on some floor joists a few days before and hurt his shin quite badly. He even went to the doctor thinking he might have cracked or broken it. He hadn't, but his leg was still very swollen and tender. Not a single bruise though, so it wasn't very obvious to others (and thus less sympathy for him). The same couldn't be said about my leg.

Darren helped me into the chapel and we went on with our meetings. The knee continued to swell and turn dark right before our eyes and I had to be careful of my kids kicking me, of course. Not that they have a habit of just kicking me...haha! But accidental kicks and taps hurt
just as much as intentional knocks. Later at home I put it up and iced it. This photo was taken Sunday night and the bruising is starting to show, but the swelling is already down some.

This photo was taken Monday morning, surprising me by getting uglier overnight, but it was nothing compared to what my leg looked like by Monday afternoon!Nice, huh? I admit - I look at it and have to laugh. I guess that's better than crying.

As the week progressed my leg turned darker and darker and the blood from the broken blood vessels went downhill. I was busy doing laundry and getting prepared for our family vacation so I didn't have time to just sit and prop it up all the time. By the time we left I was sporting a completely purple leg from the knee down. My daughter kept telling me how awful my leg looked and my husband kept taking pictures of it. Ahh, how sweet of him. Now when my leg is back to its pasty white normal color I'll have something to help us remember!

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