Saturday, June 20, 2009

How do I look now?

I just spent the last few hours fooling around, "fixing" this blogspot into something I would like to look at - and listen to.  Do you know how many different backgrounds there are out there?  And then there are banners and extras - and that's all assuming you want to use an already existing template rather than creating one of your own.  (Which I did!)  But which one to pick?  Something that will be semi-permanent and suitable for all occasions, or something seasonal?  Happy 4th...Happy St. Patty's Day...Happy Easter!  So many choices and decisions.  Of course I had to add some of my favorite fun quotes, and then carefully choose colors for everything.  What about the playlist?  Which songs out there really say something about me?  I wasn't sure so I just finally picked songs I currently love.  Yeah, okay - easy enough.

The point is - hours later it's as cute as I want it, but still remains blogless for the most part - and thus unfit to share with many friends or family.  So...the least I can do is write about that, yes?  

I relate this to my problem with scrapbooking.  Back when I was doing the paper kind of scrapping I LOVED to go shopping for new stuff.  I got so much fun out of finding cute stuff and imagining the use I'd get out of each wonderful sticker, fiber strand, and brad.  I accumulated so much stuff!  But now it sits there, untouched.  I seemed to have more fun buying it than using it!  Now here again I'm putting more effort into the cosmetics of this project than into content.  Could it be I have nothing to talk about?  That's what I tell myself.  It's hard enough coming up with a lengthy email each week to our missionary son...or so I think until I actually get going on it.  Somehow the thoughts start to flow and the ideas do come.  So I decided I needed to consider that as I go about regular life and stop waiting for our vacation to give me a reason to write.  

On the other hand, I still really am looking forward to that vacation in two weeks....

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