Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Nothing to say, but a need to say it...

Do you ever feel creatively stumped? I can't even think of a better way to describe it. It doesn't come from a lack of topics or life devoid of action and incidentally moments. No, it's more of an inability to say anything worthwhile about any of it. I've been told the only way to get over it is to just do it - (it being writing in this case). So here goes...

School is underway and the kids are busy once again with homework, soccer, etc. One son has forsaken soccer for cross country but that still leaves him busy with practice every afternoon. Our daughter is immersed in Student Council and presiding over the Junior class. Literally. She's the President. I watch her business in fundraising and Prom planning and Homecoming dress shopping and somehow don't wish I could be doing it all over again too. That time has past. I do like watching her though.

My job these days includes watching a three year old - which also means watching lots and lots of Dora and Diego, his favorite shows. In the afternoons I taxi the boys around to soccer practices and games. I wish I could be more enthusiastic about that...( but hey, it's soccer afterall, not football.)

Speaking of football...BYU is doing well so far this year. I've enjoyed watching a few games. I think having a son up at the Y helps me remember to watch the game myself, knowing it's something he might be doing. Not to play favorites - (although I did GO to BYU also) - I try to be interested in ASU sports as well... and I always have been a loyal Arizonan in some ways.

Aside from Dora and soccer, I have had reason to get out a few times, but lately it seems like I've been in various professional offices a lot - Doctor visits, labwork and even spending a very still 45 minutes having an MRI yesterday. Tomorrow I get to sit in the dentist office for kids, followed by another doctor appointment the next day to discuss the results of the MRI.

Last Saturday I went with Darren to the valley. Now that was a nice day. He had a couple of jobs to bid and needed to go to the Apple Store. We always seem to "need" a trip to the Apple Store! We had Cody with us and picked up our son from ASU taking him to lunch and to Costco before returning home. It was just a quick down and back trip, but I enjoyed the day with my husband and boys and think I could use more of those.

The mental block continues so this blog entry must end...but hey - overall, it's a step forward I hope.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Good job! Writing even when youdon't know what to write IS the first step. Now, for the next step... :). When I am stuck, I try to think of creative ways to write about mundane things. For example, you mentioned going to the dentist, did you see my post about Room 101?

I know you love Wicked. I haven't seen it but would like to...isn't it Wizard of Oz from the bad witches point of could do something like that. Write about a typical day in the life of your family from your 3 yr old's point of view, or if you are feeling brave, from your teenagers!
If you are feeling creative you could stretch it to inantimate your van. Don't laugh remember herbie the Love bug?

Mostimportantly keep writing!

(dear readers, Spring asked me for my input, just in case you were wondering :) ) Leslie